An evocative series of situations, Phillipe Starck "bares himself to the world" exposing valid design philosophies pertinent to the way he designs. Cleverly disguised as another reality show, participants and their design values have been collated in such a manner to expose these ideals in which Starck bases his design.

Blunt and very critical, Starck's evaluation of "useless" products exemplified by ipod cases and their irrelevance to real-world issues causes confusion within contestants. This hard hitting design discussion style, however arrogant, becomes highly relevant when words like "slave" are thrown into the discussion highlighting shortcomings of the industrial designer and mass production.

Amid this chaos and harsh exterior, I find ever relevant design philosophies that are carelessly overlooked through marketing based products. Starck has been able to highlight pertinent uses of form study exposing "sculpture" as poor reasoning for design, completely valid in my own thinking, where I believe he reinvents the phrase of form-follows-function in his own way.
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