CombiCarrier II
Designer: Morphix Design
Manufacturer: Hartwell Medical
Silver, Industrial Design Excellence Awards 2008
Product Description
The CombiCarrierII is a rewrite of the standard "stretcher" system used within the Paramedic field. Previously, due to the conventional systems of either the metal scoop system or the standard plastic stretcher, victims of potential spinal or skeletal injuries may have been further put at risk with such basic systems. Here, the CombiCarrierII system is able to apply the rugged usability of the plastic with the safety of the metal scoop in a scissor like design to "scoop" the patient from underneath. This removes the hazardous process of moving the patient onto the stretcher and makes the process more efficient; a valuable objective specially when emergency situations are concerned.
Visual Analysis
The CombiCarrier follows the distinct lines and colouring options normally subjective to most medical products. All corners and edges have a generous radius applied to them imposing the feel of safety and a ruggedness so essential in the medical field. The colour scheme opted for complies to both passive tones and a more active green in coherence with the emergency application for the stretcher.
BALANCE asymmetric design following practical application
LINE curvilinear, structured lines evocative of the medical field
LINE generous radius for all edges and corners
CONTRAST contrasting logo design
FORM safe, smooth and proportioned tailored for paramedic purpose
TEXTURE rugged moulded plastic surface
COLOUR active green envelopes surface and gives distinction to safety
PROPORTION even with the practical limitations repetition is used within handles and voids to give a visually balanced product
For more information about the CombiCarrier visit:
- http://medgadget.com/archives/2008/07/combicarrier_ii_wins_silver_for_good_design.html
- http://www.idsa.org/IDEA_Awards/gallery/2008/award_details.asp?ID=75
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